5 Hymns That Are Easily Adaptable to Different Styles
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5 Hymns That Are Easily Adaptable to Different Styles

Hymns have been an integral part of worship for centuries. Their enduring melodies and profound lyrics make them ideal for adaptation across a variety of musical styles. Here are five hymns that are easily adaptable, along with examples of how different artists have reimagined them.

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Worship as a Window
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Worship as a Window

"While the Bible does not explicitly use a window as a metaphor for worship, the connection between worship and transformed vision is pervasive. In addition to other metaphors for worship—e.g., worship as a sacrifice (Romans 12:1) or worship as a banquet/feast (Revelation 19:9)—I’d suggest that thinking of worship as a window can illuminate and clarify how we approach worship ministry."

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