Empowering the ministerial community in leading churches to reach their world for Christ with hope & wholeness
Throughout the NAD the ministerial community is valued, connected, effectively supported and equipped with training and state of the art resources. Every church exudes hope and wholeness with significant spiritual and numerical growth.
The North American Division Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) focuses on ministerial leaders and their families through the service and work of the Ministerial Department. This focus includes the support of more than 5,000 pastors and 108 ministerial directors throughout the territory that covers nine union conferences and 58 local conferences in Bermuda, Canada, Guam, and the United States.
The Ministerial Department sees pastoral ministry as the lifeblood and backbone of all that takes place within its territories. Supporting and equipping the ministry and role of the local pastor in the congregational setting is our number one focus because Spirit-filled, effective, healthy, pastors and congregations have an enormous impact for the kingdom of God.
Evangelistic Initiatives
The proclamation of the good news to the church and the world, presenting Jesus as Savior and Lord to all people regardless of race, gender, nationality, or economic status is our most essential work. This work, in the context of the Three Angels’ messages (Rev. 14:6-12), also includes congregational retention, so that Adventist churches may be centers of loving concern, dynamic evangelism, and reflect the presence of the living Lord.
Support for Pastors, Their Spouses, Their Families
Identifying appropriate priorities in pastoral ministry means living a balanced life that includes ministering and managing through the Five Ministerial Values.
Pastors are called to serve others concerning their personal faith issues. But to accomplish this it is essential that a pastor’s personal faith is in the Lord. Pastors employed as spiritual leaders must themselves have a spiritual relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through their prayer and devotional time. Ellen White wrote, “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs” (Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 121).
The sacred circle of the minister’s family is paramount to any and all ministry fulfillment. The pastor’s spouse and children are involved in and affected by the person and the practice of the ministry.
Focusing on and support for the pastor’s finances is an outgrowth of the recognition God places on those whom He calls. No one becomes a pastor for the sake of worldly riches. But those involved in this area of pastoral ministry deserve financial provision appropriate to their responsibilities.
As a testimony and witness befitting the greatest work on earth, focusing on pastoral fitness is a relevant, meaningful way to support professional practitioners who serve on the front lines of ministry. Periodic evaluations strengthen a pastor’s natural gifts and talents.
Most pastors enjoy being with people. They thrive in ministry where fellowship with parishioners and colleagues is strong. God never intended for us to minister or function alone. Fellowship with others is as essential in the journey of pastoral ministry, as is our fellowship with God.
Empowering Ministerial Directors
The Ministerial Department functions through the union conference and conference ministerial directors. It provides training and resources to help ministerial secretaries fulfill their role as pastors to the pastors. It also helps them care for the needs of pastors and their families, and represents their interests at appropriate administrative levels.
Resources are essential for personal and professional growth. Encouraging pastors to continue their education and professional growth yields a sense of self-worth and clarity to their mission. It also fosters an enhanced image of pastors that may attract qualified persons who feel God’s call to pastoral ministry, as well as keep current pastors professionally engaged and stimulated. New resources will assist pastoral spouses in orienting them to team ministry and in coping with various challenges and adjustments throughout the seasons of their family’s lives.
Co-ordination and Preparation for Ministry
Collaboration, communication, and integration between our colleges and universities, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and professional practitioners in the field are essential to a continued cutting edge approach to relevant, meaningful ministry. Pastors’ educations don’t end when they receive a degree. The learning process continues throughout their careers.
Training Opportunities for Lay Leaders
It’s important to recognize the biblical role of the local church elder, particularly in view of the ever-increasing demands on church pastors and the need for lay involvement in the governance and ministry of the congregation. Equipping local church elders in their leadership roles as they serve their congregations and assist their pastors in soul winning is essential.
Supporting Adventist Mission Initiatives
The Seventh-day Adventist Church began as a church-planting movement. It will continue to grow as it focuses on establishing new groups of believers in new areas. Adventist Mission fosters and promotes this in a variety of ways, including church-planting conferences. These conferences cast the vision and provide resources for planting new groups of believers, and for ministries that support this process.
The professionals leading the NAD Ministerial Department have dedicated themselves to accomplishing these objectives in support of the church’s mission. The call to pastoral ministry is one of the greatest responsibilities on earth, and the NAD ministerial leadership team desires to serve and equip pastors to achieve their highest personal and professional potential in the areas of spiritual growth, pastoral ministry, evangelism, church growth, and retention.
Our Strategic Focus is Actualized through:
Building Ministry Synergy through Networks
Nurturing Innovation in Congregational Ministry
Resourcing Best Practices for Biblical Preaching
Creating Professional Growth Opportunities to enhance Pastoral Competencies