CALLED: Core Qualities for Ministry
Called examines the seven core qualities that the Ministerial Department of North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists has identified as benchmarks. These benchmarks are critical for an effective ministry.
The writers represent a broad spectrum of individuals in North America. Some have extensive experience, while others are just embarking on their ministries. Some are pastors in multi-church districts, while others are pastors in multi-pastors churches.
Are we as Seventh-day Adventists repeating history? An exclusive faith is incompatible with an inclusive Father who sent His Son to die for everyone. Broken people, scarred by failed trust, past abuse, loneliness, and suffering, are looking for places to be accepted, places to exhale, places to be fulfilled on their life journey. Is your church that place? Are you sharing your safe place with them?
The objective of this book is to make it easy to come in and hard to leave. We are talking about a type of church that is accessible, welcoming, loving, and empowering to such a degree that once you are in, you love it so much that you want to stay and share what you have found with others.
In this book, pastors write about their experiences with evangelism and baptism. You will hear them share how mingling with people, desiring their good, showing them sympathy, and meeting their needs have produced results for the kingdom. Only Christ’s method, showing and telling, can effectively evangelize our communities.
People want us to love them, they need hope for the present and the future, and they must know that we care about them. The transforming gospel needs to be seen, felt, and experienced by the individuals and families you serve.
Mending Ministers On Their Wellness Journey
Seventh-day Adventist pastors also face challenges with health and wellness, even with our beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in the faith tradition. We live with the challenges of resilience, depression, self-care, wholeness, mental health, imbalance, stress, burnout, and
emotional intelligence. Awareness and understanding of these personal and interpersonal issues are critically related to ministry impact and missional outcomes.