Worshiping a Present God
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Worshiping a Present God

“Worshiping an implicitly absent, distant God of “control” maligns God’s character and encourages our continued absence from God, one another, and those in need.”

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A Case Study in Inclusiveness
Chelsya Ashley - FHQ Chelsya Ashley - FHQ

A Case Study in Inclusiveness

  • A case study illustrates the importance of inclusiveness, highlighting the need for accommodating physical disabilities beyond mere accessibility.

  • Inclusiveness in religious movements traditionally dominated by older white men has improved but still faces resistance in certain areas.

  • The article emphasizes the significance of appreciating and accepting individuals with physical disabilities, moving beyond discussions focused solely on their health challenges.

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The Role of Compassion and Cultural Intelligence in Ministry
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The Role of Compassion and Cultural Intelligence in Ministry

  • In a biblical example, Jesus demonstrated the importance of compassion and cultural intelligence by breaking down barriers between Jews and Gentiles.

  • Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to interact effectively across cultures, with a focus on CQ Drive, which addresses biases toward different cultures.

  • The story illustrates how stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination can inhibit cross-cultural ministry, emphasizing the need for compassion and unbiased outreach to all individuals.

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Adventism And The Heart of God
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Adventism And The Heart of God

  • Adventism, when stripped of cultural additives like fundamentalism and legalism, represents a theology of love rooted in God's heart.

  • The imperative is to share this theology of God's heart with humanity, making it accessible and relatable to all, regardless of denomination.

  • The focus should be on making disciples of Jesus who embody the message of God's heart and are willing to share it, irrespective of labels or appearances, with three strategies: leading doctrines to God's heart, living out Jesus' love, and cultivating meaningful relationships.

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Civic Connections for Community Concerns
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Civic Connections for Community Concerns

  • In the midst of the pandemic, a conversation between the author and future Mayor Stephen Murray led to a focus on reopening the historic Greene Street Gym, a beloved community space in Beaufort, SC.

  • Despite complicated local issues related to mismanagement and lack of access, Mayor Murray appointed a city task force in response to community interest, resulting in the reopening of the gym in January 2022.

  • The partnership between the author, a clergy leader and educator, and Mayor Murray, a civic leader, demonstrates the power of civic connections and collaborations in addressing community concerns for positive change.

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Cross-Cultural Witnessing
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Cross-Cultural Witnessing

A critical aspect of communicating the Gospel effectively is being able to understand the basic assumptions that those outside of my group bring as a mental map and have clarity toward the goal. Most of us are not aware of such deep assumptions, so is best to simply take a learner’s role and ask, “How do you understand this?” If you are not sure, simply start by seeking clarification…and remember, the goal is eventually leading seekers to the Bible, so keep the focus.

Here is an example of a real-life situation, a conversation between a Muslim Imam and an Adventist pastor. After a few pleasantries, the conversation changed…

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The Doors of the Church are Now Open…Surprise
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The Doors of the Church are Now Open…Surprise

  • When churches initially closed their doors due to the pandemic, both churchgoers and pastors were supportive, but financial concerns grew, leading to a 58% increase in giving, according to Barna Group.

  • As the pandemic continued, the desire to reopen the physical church intensified, but when doors did open, the expected rush of attendees did not materialize, with 72% more viewers opting for online services.

  • The pandemic revealed that the church is not confined to a physical building, leading to a rise in virtual church hopping and a shift towards a hybrid church future, where Sabbath observance and nature exploration became cherished aspects of churchgoers' lives.

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Remedy for the Decline in Pastoral Well-Being
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Remedy for the Decline in Pastoral Well-Being

  • Recent data highlights declining pastoral satisfaction, especially among younger pastors, emphasizing the need for them to work in their areas of giftedness and have influence over their church's vision.

  • Pastors often feel isolated, lack the energy to grow, and face increased emotional exhaustion, potentially exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Prioritizing self-care, including Sabbath practices, can boost satisfaction and resilience among pastors, while support from conference leaders is crucial for implementing restful sabbaticals.

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