The Giving Tree
“In every church, however small, special efforts should be made to show our gratitude to God by bringing our offerings for his cause. Let those who desire a Christmas tree make its boughs fruitful with gifts for the needy, and offerings for the treasury of God. And let the children learn the blessedness of giving by bringing their little gifts to add to the offerings of their parents.*”
Here’s a tremendous opportunity for churches to leverage the giving mindset that is prevalent during this festive season to make progress in the church and promote goodwill in the community.
The quote by E.G. White challenges churches to use a Christmas tree as a special short term fundraising/offering drive. Hang special offerings on the tree that are to be utilized specifically for the building up of the church and in meeting the immediate needs of those who are destitute.
Here’s How…
Think of these enveloped gifts as custom ornaments.
Provide all the necessary ornament hooks, notecards, envelopes (with a hole pre-punched in one corner to accommodate the hook), and writing utensils.
Have members write on the notecards the amount that they wish to give and then sign their name on it.
Place the notecard in an envelope and distinguish on the outside of the envelope whether the pledged gift is “for church” or “for children.” Or think of something else like “Church Needs”/“Community Needs.” Just make sure it’s simple enough for everyone involved to understand the difference.
A Word to the Wise…
Be careful to instruct members not to place money in the envelope to be placed on the tree. We don’t want to provide an opportunity for those who are dishonest.
Posting notecards without envelopes makes the offering amounts a spectacle. Let’s encourage members to give what God has placed on their hearts; not what would make them look pious/generous to others.
All funds should be collected as offerings are usually processed. Instruct the members to mark a note on their tithe envelopes that properly identifies the special holiday offering.
Also, instruct the members that these funds are in addition to their regular tithes and offerings, and not to be confused with them; or taken away from them.
Communicate with relevant ministry leaders beforehand to strategize how allocated funds will be invested to engage with those in need. Whether it be directly through the Adventist Community Services ministry, or through some sort of partnership with a local charity, organize beforehand for an efficient and clear strategy.
Funds collected for the church can be directed to evangelism, building repairs, or some other facility need.
In this season that we remember the priceless treasure of heaven being given freely to us, let us recommit to manifesting the Spirit of Grace by giving freely to others.
* For more on E.G. White’s counsel about Christmas trees CLICK HERE.