Why Revitalize? by Bill McClendon
A lot of people think that declining churches don't want to grow. But that certainly isn't the case. They want to grow, but they need to learn how which can become overwhelming. There is almost an acceptance that this is their fate. They are dying and don't know what to do about it. In this presentation, Bill McClendon invites you to consider two questions: "Why do church plants grow faster than existing churches?" And "Why do existing churches reach a point and stop growing?" Would you like to learn more? Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Bill McClendon is Bill McClendon is the Vice President for Administration and Evangelism Director of the North Pacific Union.
From 30 to 120 in Attendance by Jose Cortes Jr.
Back in the day, nobody talked about church revitalization. Still, at some point in ministry, many pastors have been part of a church that was either plateauing or declining and have participated in its turnaround. In this video from the Church Revitalization Bootcamp, Jose Cortes Jr. tells his personal story of revitalizing his first church as he began his ministry and how it grew from 30 to 120 in attendance. Watch the video here.
Jose Cortes Jr. is theAssociate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities for the Adventist Church in North America.
So You're Leading Your Church Through a Renovation, Huh?
You, like me, may be a bit green to the process of church renovations. If so, keep reading.
Check out one pastor’s success with raising funds.
In reality when the members are sold on the vision, the goal seems achievable.
Spousal Income
Adventist Pastors whose spouses earn more than they do, anticipate a higher net worth upon retirement.
Pastoral spouses who choose to volunteer full time to support their partner in ministry should realize that while it may be a noble cause, it could negatively affect retirement net worth.
It is never too late for a pastoral spouse to upgrade his/her occupational chops and step into a higher paying job.
We have to consider the theological assumptions of the person we’re taking to, not assuming they are the same as ours.
Here we learn why it’s important to know the Islamic theology of hell and divine retribution.
“Do Adventists worship Jesus?” It was a loaded question and I needed to respond addressing their assumptions of shirk to clarify the matter.
Pastor Financial Stress
What is the relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior?
Check out the survey.
Take the survey so that the NAD can create resources that can meet our financial literacy needs.
Seven Things My Parents Did to Keep Me in the Church by Heather Crews
In this video, Heather Crews presents about seven things her parents did to keep her in the church. As a double PK, from the earliest she can remember, her parents would talk about Jesus, but these seven specific actions they took helped keep her in the faith. Would you like to know more? Watch the video here.
Heather Crews is the Potomac Conference Associate for Pastoral Ministries and the North American Division Associate Director for Women Clergy
The Missing Power by Paulo Macena
Recent statistics on churches in America show that four thousand churches close every year, and only one thousand are planted. Every year, thousands of pastors leave the ministry discouraged, burnt out, and frustrated, and countless church members no longer attend church. In this video from the Church Revitalization Bootcamp, Paulo Macena talks about the Missing Power and how the church in the book of Acts grew from a handful of scared disciples to thousands of followers. Watch the full video here.
Paulo Macena is the North American Division Leadership Director
Financial Literacy
Those whose net worth is anticipated to be over one million update their financial knowledge a great deal more than those with less than one million.
Your retirement provider or local community college may offer financial literacy resources or coursework.
Beware of vendors who offer financial advice but are only after your money.
Reading Scripture Through CQ Lenses
Have you consciously read the Bible with CQ lenses?
The father again goes against community expectations.
Jesus is widening the circle of acceptance and accountability.
Simple Can Be Really…Good?
When was the last time you used a really simple ministry plan?
It's easy to assume that the only reason I have a simple plan to work with is because I’m not seasoned enough to handle more.
One benefit of a simple plan? It’s less draining!
Revitalizing Your Church Through Growing Young by Ben Lundquist
In this video from the Church Revitalization Bootcamp, Ben Lundquist presents a research project that came out in 2016 pioneered by the Fuller Youth Institute of Pasadena, California, called Growing Young, and how the Seventh-Day Adventist church got involved and is leading the way with a Growing Young research ahead of all other denominations around the world. Watch the video here.
Ben Lundquist is the Young Adult Ministries Director for the Oregon Conference.
My church is declining, is there hope? by Ben Orian
In this video, Ben Orian tells the story of the Springdale Adventist Fellowship revitalization. Springdale Adventist Fellowship is the oldest Adventist church in the state of Arkansas, and at that time, it was a dynamic and relevant church. Ellen G. White visited the Springdale church and preached behind their solemn pulpit, and the entire city came out to hear that beloved woman preach. Fast forward 130-plus years, and that once engaged church had declined, with attendance between 20 and 100 and many ups and downs. What happened? How did the Springdale Adventist Fellowship get its act in gear and was revitalized? Watch the video to learn more.
Ben Orian is the Senior Pastor of the Springdale Adventist Fellowship .
How Can Natural Church Development Help My Local Church Assess its Health? – Part 1 by Buster Swoopes & Jakov Bibulovic
In this video from the Church Revitalization Bootcamp, Buster Swoops starts off by presenting the need for churches' evaluation. Swoops says that evaluation and debriefing create a culture of excellence because ministry quality gets the attention it deserves. There are spiritual tools that pastors can use to see if their churches are healthy and ready to grow. The Natural Church Development evaluation is one of them. Watch the video to learn how Buster Swoops has used real and accurate data from the NCD to revitalize his church.
Buster Swoops is Regional Director of Clinical Mission Integration at Huguley Hospital.
How Can Natural Church Development Help My Local Church Assess its Health? – Part 2 by Jakov Bibulovic
When was the last time you did your health checkup? Jakob Bibulovic shares his struggle with personal health and says that sometimes it is hard to check your health because it brings changes. Assessing and evaluating the local church's health is as crucial as assessing your health. When was the last time you did your church's assessments? Bibulovic presents the Natural Church Development and how it brings positive changes and revitalization to churches that have implemented this assessment type. Watch the full video here.
Jakov Bibulovic is the Director for Church Growth / Church Planting / Evangelism at the Ontario Conference in Canada
Charitable Contributions
Most Adventist Pastors are generous with their charitable contributions.
Adventist Pastors whose net worth is anticipated to be over one million give a higher percentage of their income to charity.
Your net worth may increase when you give money away to charity.
Power Distance: Neither Distance nor Powerlessness
I could sense the immediate disconnect between them because they did not share a common understanding of status.
The culture in which Jesus lived embraced a patron-client cultural construct which supports an unequal power distribution amongst members of society.
Do not avoid conversations about power; power distance exists and it helps to bring out biblical examples of how Jesus dealt with and re-interpreted it.
Next NAD Ministerial Book Club Explores Mark Dever’s Classic, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
One must recognize what a healthy church is in order to become one.
New material includes an emphasis on both individual and corporate prayer, and the importance of the church as involved in local and global missions.
Register today to be part of this ever important discussion.
How Are We Doing? By Brian Ford
In this presentation, Brian Ford speaks about the results of a survey on church vitality. He talked to people with experience with church vitality, and they said the three things commonly used to assess vitality are attendance, baptisms, and contributions. He compares them with what you get taken at the doctor: height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse. They don't tell you everything, but their rates signal that there might be a problem or that things are going well. Watch the full video here.
Brian Ford is the Director of eAdventist
Why Are We Here? by Jose Cortes Jr.
In this video, Jose Cortes Jr talks about Acts 12:24 and how the early church kept increasing and multiplying amidst extreme hardship, political divide, persecution, economic hardship, and racial tensions. He answers the questions: Why are we here? Why do churches die? What does a church need to be revitalized? What is a multiplying church? To watch this video from the Church Revitalization Bootcamp, click here.
Jose Cortes Jr. is the Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the association's areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities.