NAD Ministerial Book Club Explores Mending Ministers
Improving pastors’ health is a priority today
We initiated a comprehensive plan to strengthen, encourage, and inspire ministers
to a new level of health and wellness.
Register today to be part of this ever important discussion.

Next NAD Ministerial Book Club Explores Mark Dever’s Classic, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
One must recognize what a healthy church is in order to become one.
New material includes an emphasis on both individual and corporate prayer, and the importance of the church as involved in local and global missions.
Register today to be part of this ever important discussion.

Culture, Cultural Intelligence, and the Gospel
Part of the problem resides in many people seeing culture as being a “bad” thing.
God gave this couple a cultural mandate.
The fact is that while sin has interrupted God’s original plan, its intrusion has not canceled the cultural mandate.

Tools for Decoding Cross-cultural Communication: Mazhar and Islam as a Blanket
I had been aware of the huge gap between his Arab Bedouin, Islamically-shaped mental map and my Argentinean, European-shaped, Christian one.
How do you unpack a conversation like this?
“You as a Christian need to know this: Islam is my mother.”

Cruise Control Off: Cultural Intelligence For Engaging “Them” Who Are Not Like “Me”
What do you do when you encounter someone who isn’t like you?
It’s at the crossroads of diverse cultures that we can encounter our greatest challenges, greatest self-discoveries and opportunities for growth.
This article will share a unique approach to developing your cultural intelligence as a pastor.

Replenish: Adventist Ministries Convention
Join us January 8–11, 2023 to REPLENISH.
We know that weariness can set in, so we look to Christ for an example.
Yes, pastors are invited even if they’re not departmental leaders in their conferences.

Sharpen that Blade
And looking forward, none of us can reach our full potential of wholeness and ministry without the help of others.
Some will sharpen you and increase your wisdom. Others will dull and even pierce you.
I am so grateful to God for how He speaks to me and mentors me through them.

You Need a Mentor
Don't give up and don't go at this alone.
Here's a red flag.
Some Adventists have an issue paying a fair rate (or any at all) for mentorship.

Staying Adventist After San Antonio
A chaplain colleague who was attending the symposia with me strongly recommended that I attend a session on "moral injury."
How do you remain part of the same church as those who interpret their Adventism very differently than you?
For my spiritual well-being I needed to clarify where I stood morally with my church.

Unpacking the Pandemic: the Bad Days
I don’t remember any bad days.
It seems I’ve packed away the bad days into old metal chests.
Grace, the unmerited holding of our hearts by a Divine hand.

Unpacking the Pandemic: The Good Days
Things were new. Creativity flowed. God showed off.
The summer dress code was “Wear what you won’t faint in”.
And everything was fine because the main point was being able to worship God together.

Best Practices Book Club Explores the Book 1922
-The Best Practices Book Club is back.
-Learn about the Adventist engagement during the Fundamentalist-Modernist conflict.
-A panel of pastors will engage in this discussion on September 6.

World Missions Invites You to Attend the Swallen Mission Lectureship for 2022
Save the date: September 15-17, 2022
The weekend will focus on Church Development and Mission Revitalization.
Tune in via Zoom if you can’t be there in person.

What Actually Matters: Contentment
How do we achieve contentment?
Paul made a choice that required discipline.
When we are in Christ, we have this constant supply