Worship as Art: Art as Worship
Worship David Williams Worship David Williams

Worship as Art: Art as Worship

“Rather than considering art as additional or supplemental to our worship as Christians, it invites our contemplation of the profound essential nature of art in our daily worship and liturgical gatherings.”

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Creating Community in Worship
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Creating Community in Worship

While content may be king in many realms, in worship, the priority is communion and connection with God and fellow worshipers. Here are several ways to foster community during worship gatherings.

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Integrating Christian Worship’s “Vertical” and “Horizontal” Dimensions
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Integrating Christian Worship’s “Vertical” and “Horizontal” Dimensions

“Isaiah’s vision of heavenly worship, however, reminds us that ultimately the ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ dimensions of worship are inextricably bound together. Just as the seraphim “were calling out to one another,” we glorify God not only through praise directed toward God but also as we exhort, encourage, and bless one another.”

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Resilience in Pastoral Worship Ministry: An Interview with David Oceguera from Bolingbrook Church
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Resilience in Pastoral Worship Ministry: An Interview with David Oceguera from Bolingbrook Church

“The most important thing I have done to lead with resilience and maintain a healthy well-being is to create a Rule of Life for myself. A Rule of Life is the practices and rhythms you want to include in your daily life that will help you remain close to God, dedicated to your calling, and committed to your most important relationships. It might be helpful to think of a rule of life as a trellis that supports you in staying committed to the things that are most important to you.”

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Cultivating a New Worship Community: An Interview with Justin Alabata from Forest Lake Seventh-Day Adventist Church
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Cultivating a New Worship Community: An Interview with Justin Alabata from Forest Lake Seventh-Day Adventist Church

“One of the most important strategies is clear and consistent communication. We spent a healthy amount of time fleshing out our church mission, vision, and values. These have helped us clearly communicate what our purpose is as a church. These also guide everything we do when it comes to starting and/or supporting different ministries.”

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The Power of Gestures
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

The Power of Gestures

“Similarly, when we break bread and share it with those in need—which is all of us in different ways—when we kneel and stand and celebrate and sing and serve, the bread becomes a gift, a transformative symbol, and we become the Body of Christ.”

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Cultivating Blended Worship
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Cultivating Blended Worship

“I've told members of my church family that if you don't like a particular song, look around and see who does and pray, ‘Lord, thank You that this music is reaching them.’”

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Unifying Worship
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Unifying Worship

“If sports can unite strangers, why does something of infinitely more importance—worshiping God—so often divide us?”

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Worshiping a Present God
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Worshiping a Present God

“Worshiping an implicitly absent, distant God of “control” maligns God’s character and encourages our continued absence from God, one another, and those in need.”

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The Courage to Lead Beyond the Congregation: An Interview with MyRon Edmonds
Worship MyRon P. Edmonds Worship MyRon P. Edmonds

The Courage to Lead Beyond the Congregation: An Interview with MyRon Edmonds

“If you are only leading your congregation to change, then you are going to be myopically focused on the obstacles that are presented by to church. But if you see yourself as a change agent for your community—if you recognize that you are called to lead that community—then you begin to perceive both the real opposition and incredible opportunities for transformation.”

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Worship in Transition: Looking Ahead to the 2024 Andrews University Music and Worship Conference
Worship David Williams Worship David Williams

Worship in Transition: Looking Ahead to the 2024 Andrews University Music and Worship Conference

“In the midst of a transformational phase at Andrews University, we acknowledge that numerous churches are likewise navigating their unique transitions. These changes often present both challenges and opportunities in leadership and cultural adjustments. As we collectively ponder the question, "How do we lead through change?" it's crucial to ground ourselves in one constant—Jesus Christ.”

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The Fruit of the Spirit in Worship
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

The Fruit of the Spirit in Worship

Paul writes to the Church in Galatia, “[T]he fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Using a bit of liturgical license, let’s consider how each of these characteristics might relate to our worship practices.

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Practicing Presence
Worship Nicholas Zork Worship Nicholas Zork

Practicing Presence

“How can our interactions with one another in worship encourage, empower, and enable us to be more responsive and present to a gracious, ever-present God? And, in turn, how might that transform the way we are present with all those around us?”

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