It’s Always Me
Paulo & Jackie
By Paulo Tenorio
In 2017 I was invited by Pastor Leite to preach for a youth half week of prayer in Beaumont, TX, six hours away from my home. That year had been rough. I was battling an injury that no doctor could fix and my wife, Ana, had to drive me everywhere. On top of that, I had to preach sitting down which is not at all typical for a youth director. It was so bad that I was contemplating quitting ministry.
Pastor Leite asked me to make an altar call for baptism on Sabbath morning. I remember arguing with God. I was feeling so disconnected.
How can I make an altar call while I’m sitting down? I need to be able to walk and move!
I was angry that I couldn’t preach the way I thought was effective. Plus, from the look of the audience, I figured everyone was already baptized.
In the end, I did the altar call and seven adults and several children stood up for baptism. I was blown away!
On the drive back home I felt like God was telling me, “It’s me, Paulo. It’s always me. I can use you standing or sitting, in a wheelchair or running. I just need you to be faithful to your calling.”
Fast forward five years. It’s Sabbath and I’m in Houston making my rounds through different areas of the conference. After the service, a man approaches me.
“I don’t know if you remember us,” he said, “but my wife, Jackie, got baptized when you preached in Beaumont.”
Jackie is one of the adults that had decided to get baptized when I made that altar call in 2017.
The couple shared things from my sermon and how impactful it was for them. And I got to share my story of how that day had also changed my life.
It was a strong reminder once again. “It’s me… it’s always me…”
Paulo Tenorio is currently serving as Youth Director for the Texas Conference.