WANTED: Focused Leaders

by Ivan L. Williams, Sr., D.Min.

Leaders who are focused have the ability to view their goals and purposes with a single eye. These are the kind of leaders society wants and needs. But life is full of disruptions and distractions and sometimes it's hard to stay focused. But losing focus can be perilous because without it, leaders lose support and momentum. No one wants to follow leaders who aimlessly journey through their days without a purpose or goal.

Looking out the window of my home office, I often see red tail hawks swoop down off the high electrical towers nearby to catch rodents or snakes. Before swooping down, they study the ground with great interest and intensity looking for their prey. Their eyes and brains are tuned to detect the slightest movement.

For red tail hawks, being focused is a matter of life and death. If they lose their ability to see and focus, they will eventually die of starvation. Their hunting requires keen eyesight. Unlike the hawk, if we as leaders lose our focus, it can be renewed! Elijah's experience demonstrates that even though a leader may be exposed to danger though spiritual and physical weakness, he or she can be renewed and restored. (Read 1 Kings 19)

If you are a father, husband, mother, or a wife, and God has called you to a role of spiritual leadership in your church, He will certainly give you a specific mission and purpose to fulfill. Your job is to stay in tune with Him so He can help you stay focused.

Here are some suggestions (tips) for staying in touch with God's leadership call:

1. Pray for God’s intervention - Prayer is the key component for staying focused. Much prayer can awaken our God-given sense of urgency for His biddings, and keep us in tune with knowing His will and purpose.

2. Have a clear plan - A leader’s focus can be blurred without the investment of preparation and planning for the task at hand. The great yield of accomplishment is only realized when the deposits of time and effort are made in the planning stage.

3. Remove the clutter and distractions - Focus is lost when the busyness of life drowns out the passion for leadership. To remain focused, leaders must set boundaries that enable them to keep the clutter of distractions out of their line of sight. This may require getting up earlier in the morning or turning off the phone.

The Apostle Paul is a prime example of one who was able to stay focused. At the end of his journey he declared, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NIV)

Whatever challenges you face, please know that God is serious about helping you fulfill your leadership role. Perhaps you've been side-tracked or have become discouraged. Be encouraged, you can find leadership renewal and restoration.

Ivan L. Williams, Sr. Vice President & Ministerial Director of the North American Division.


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