Can We Talk?

It’s time we had a conversation. And this is a difficult conversation; so it’s not going to be easy. We need to talk about faith and politics. Some believe that politics and church don’t go together. We have long believed in the separation of church and state, but does that mean that anything related to politics shouldn’t be discussed in church? Here’s a small hint: It’s very hard to thoroughly discuss Matthew 25 (or countless other texts for that matter) without discussing anything related to politics. The big question is how do we have these kinds of conversations? Where are the boundary lines and guard rails for such discussions? While we do not endorse candidates, should we critique our leaders when they err? Should we celebrate their efforts/initiatives that are aligned with our beliefs?

We need help framing and curating such conversations. If you’ve ever had such a concern, then hold on a bit and be encouraged. We are going to host a conversation in the near future that will be designed to help pastors and church leaders navigate these choppy waters. The church is not a political organization, but lots of what we do has political implications. Let’s find a balanced approach to honor God with honest, ethical, Christian conversations. We’ll bring together pastors and experts who will help us lay the frameworks for healthy conversations. So stay tuned for more details, and…Let’s talk.


The Food Pharmacy Ministry


The Reformation of Adventist Education