5 Reasons Why Camp Meeting Still Matters

by Ivan Williams, D.Min.

From the very first camp meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, held in 1868 on the farm of E. H. Root in Wright, Michigan, to the 111 camp meetings held in the North American Division (NAD) in 2018, the benefits of these gatherings may still be countless.

Having preached at many camp meetings the past few years, I am still encouraged—and yet amazed—that many members still attend. One-hundred-fifty years after our first camp meeting, what attracts church members to drive for miles with tent or camper, stay in on-site cabins or off-site motels, bring food for picnics, and bear the dusty, hot summer heat to attend a camp meeting? Most campgrounds are in remote, rural places in conference territories. The majority of membership resides in urban places. Why do we continue planning and holding camp meetings? Why do urbanites keep returning?

Here are five of my observations about camp meeting—and why Adventists still attend.

1. It solidifies our biblical faith.

From Palau to Bermuda, from Alaska to Newfoundland to Florida—and everywhere in between—Adventists in the NAD still have the hope that Jesus is coming again soon. That hope is forged and solidified when we come together to open God’s Word and are reminded that this world is not our home. Faith in God is renewed at camp meeting and, as quiet as it’s kept, it is a great place to deal with, or combat, errant theology. Ellen White said camp meetings were “to promote spiritual life among our own people. . .We need to meet together and receive the divine touch.” Camp meetings keep us spiritually focused. They also give us an annual, corporate and personal renewed-faith possibility.

2. Day-to-day living is encouraged through fellowship.

This annual gathering encourages cross pollination with like-minded believers from many congregations. Whether in the city or in rural towns and neighborhoods, our fellowship helps us relate to each other’s common struggles and victories. Fellowship is like “iron sharpening iron” (Prov. 27:17). It was huge in the early church as they broke bread together and prayed (Acts 2:42). Isn’t it just as important today?

3. It helps keep conferences on mission.

Camp meetings done superbly require significant time, energy, and finance. The investment given by conferences to camp meeting yields significant spiritual optimism, evangelistic momentum, and mission feedback that can be felt throughout the entire year. When conference churches or constituencies join together, newfound stories and experiences are shared and mission is solidified.

4. The majority of church members attend on weekends.

Camp meeting attendance is largest on the weekends. Because of this, some conferences only conduct weekend seminars and preaching services. But even in these situations, it is an annual occurrence of focus and intentionality.

5. The Lord blesses abundantly.

It’s true, you get what you desire or expect from camp meeting. However, one thing is for sure, the Lord blesses human efforts on these dusty grounds. When I hear things such as, “I’ve been attending camp meeting for 32 years,” or “I’ll never miss camp meeting again,” or “I was baptized at camp meeting, “I know the Spirit of the Living God accompanies our human frailty in a meeting that’s been around a century and a half.

What spiritual benefit have you discovered at camp meeting? What urbanite friend could you invite to experience the concentrated exposure to nature while listening to practical seminars and powerful preaching? If you haven’t been to camp meeting in many years, I invite you to experience the refreshing outpouring of God’s Spirit on your life.

Ivan L. Williams Sr. is the director of the Ministerial Association for the North American Division.


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