Esther R. Knott

Esther is the daughter of parents who were converts to the Christian/Adventist faith. She had the privilege of being raised in a home where she has always known nothing other than the fact that Jesus loves her. She has lived in Trinidad, England, Canada, and is now proud to be a citizen of the United States (1993). Even though her parents both had careers in the medical field, their passion was to share the good news about God. This would set the stage for Esther’s life calling.
Having pastored for 28 years in Illinois, Maryland, and Michigan, Esther brings a wealth of experience to her role as Associate Director of NAD Ministerial, and Director of the InMinistry Center located at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary on the campus of Andrews University. Her responsibilities include, 1) being a pastor to the pastors across the division, 2) program director for the MA in Pastoral Ministry, and 3)directing the division’s efforts to support local conferences in building a comprehensive, sustainable continuing education system for pastors, with similar standing and expectations that are required of professionals in other fields.  Esther serves as the Division's liaison with the Seminary. 
Knott has served as campus chaplain at Broadview Academy and Andrews University. From 1987 to 1990 she was the director of the NAD Education department’s Harvest 90 Education Project, where she developed a curriculum for teachers to use in educating Adventist K-12 students about early Adventist leaders and the history of Adventism. From 1990 to 1997 she was associate pastor at Sligo Church in Takoma Park, Maryland. There she encouraged evangelism, small group Bible study, and faithful stewardship. Esther also established and led the church’s women’s ministries program and for many years served as the minister of worship.

In 1997 Knott joined the staff at Pioneer Memorial Church at Andrews University, where for 16 years she  focused on congregational nurture, discipleship, small groups, personal evangelism and community engagement. In 2012, she and Dwight K. Nelson, senior pastor, along with the staff,  launched a major initiative to move Pioneer into a strong small group model for intentional discipleship. In the first semester of the program, more than 800 members were involved weekly in small groups. Working with a team from Pioneer and AdventSource, Knott was a lead developer of Contagious Adventist, a nine-session seminar that helps Adventists learn to recognize and create contagious Adventist moments where they can naturally introduce specific Adventist teachings to other Christians. Knott is also been very active in developing strong relationships with various organizations and agencies and leaders in the surrounding community through her involvement with Rotary, Big Brothers/Sisters, and Christian Worlds Services’ CROP Hunger Walk. 
Her writing includes articles published in Ministry, Adventist Review, Woman of Spirit, and Celebration. Other writing is included in books: Shall We Dance?, Over and Over Again Vol. 2, and College Faith. She wrote the study guide for In Granite or Engrained (Andrews University Press). She is one of the writers for Contagious Adventist a 9-session seminar that is being used internationally to help our members live intentionally as disciples—living and sharing their faith. (Advent Source)
Knott holds a MA in Religious Education (1987) and is working on a PhD in the same field. 
She is married to Ronald Alan Knott, who is director of Andrews University Press, the Adventist Church’s only regularly established academic publishing house, and the publisher of the Andrews Study Bible. The Knotts have one daughter, Olivia, a senior religion and communication major at Andrews University where she is serving at President of the Student Association (2014-2015 school year). 


José Cortes, Jr.