The long-awaited Core Qualities Web App is currently rolling out to a few select conference ministerial directors. These conferences are doing real world testing of the app before it is available to all conferences.  

The Core Qualities App creates a digital portfolio for interns to record their progress toward ordination/commissioning. Working under the supervision of the conference Ministerial Director, mentors can coach mentees in the 52 essential traits for effective ministry. As each trait matures, evidence of that maturity can be placed in the digital portfolio. When the portfolio is near completion, the ministerial director can generate a report for the ordination/commissioning committee as they prepare to examine the candidate.

Although it is a new tool, the usage learning curve should be shallow because the Core Quality App is an extension of the Adventist Learning Community (ALC) continuing education platform which Ministerial Directors are already proficient in. Because it is a web app, the tool is fully functional on mobile devices as well as desktop computers. 

ALC has built great flexibility into the Core Qualities app to fit the diverse needs of NAD conferences. Choices range from very simple to more sophisticated. For example, the ministerial director could serve as the mentor for all the interns. Or the ministerial director could assign field pastors to serve as mentors. The system even has the capability of matching a mentee with more than one mentor depending on the gifts of the mentor. 

The goal of the Core Quality Web App is to allow the ordination/commissioning process to be completely transparent. This allows the intern to know what traits are important to ministry and provides a place to record progress toward ordination/commissioning. 

For more information about the Core Qualities Web App, contact Adam Fenner ( at Adventist Learning Community. 

Soft Launch of Intern App