8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm |
Breakfast Session 1 Session 2 Lunch Session 3 Dinner & Networking |
8:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm |
Breakfast Session 4 Lunch Session 5 Dinner & Networking |
8:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm |
Breakfast Session 6 Lunch |
Please note:
Welcome & prayer time I. Objectives of the ehuddle II. Opening Challenge: Where Are We? III. Visioning around tables |
Ivan Williams Sr. Jose Cortes Jr. Alex Bryant |
“To reach, retain, and reclaim North America with Jesus’ lifestyle and message of compassion, hope, and wholeness.” (74% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
Facilitators: I. Presentations |
Ivan Williams Sr. & Jose Cortes Jr. Roger Hernandez Peter Bath John Boston |
Discuss and provide practical, how-to input for:
Outcome 1: Engagement of ALL members in evangelism/mission
(86% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
A Evangelism a lifestyle, not an event
B Contextualized evangelism, relating to the needs of the people
C Compassion, method of Christ (collaboration of church ministries, schools, hospitals & other institutions)
D Engagement of our students and hospital employees
E Empowering well-equipped lay leadership (volunteer lay pastors)
F Small groups as an outreach ministry
G Provide opportunities for local church elders to perform the baptism of individuals they have led to Christ and are committed to see them through discipleship
Facilitators: I. Prayer Time II. Presentations |
Jose Cortes Jr. and Ivan Williams Sr. Dave Gemmell James White Armando Miranda with Justin Yang Teddy Bagassien, Meshac Soli Ron Pickle Tim Madding |
Discuss and provide input for Outcome #2:
Creation of an atmosphere of accessibility and safety in ALL our churches
(87% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
A Making it easy for people to come in and very hard to leave
B People of all walks of life must feel safe in our churches
C Simplify baptism process (Biblical baptism process/theological basis vs tradition)
D Affirm the baptism of children who have accepted Jesus
E Intentional education of our members on relational evangelism and how to treat non- Adventist friends (potential members and people who will never become members)
F Strong electronic presence (website, apps, phone)
G Churches accessible to community (visible signage, telephones, and directions)
H Consistency in the name and branding (e.g. Seventh-day Adventist Church - Silver Spring Campus)
I Relevance and more accessible to native-born, including second and third generation immigrants (including Jewish)
J Embracing of various immigrant waves in practical ways (Muslim, Hindu, refugees)
Facilitators: I. Prayer Time II. Presentations |
Jose Cortes Jr. and Ivan Williams Sr. Esther Knott Anna Romuald and Vanessa Hernandez Laffin Cortes and Morris Thompson Tim Gillespie |
Discuss & Provide input for Outcome #3
Discipleship of ALL our membership
(88% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
Conversation Starters:
A More emphasis on the Holy Spirit
B Develop an intentional discipleship path for the newly baptized and existing members
C Small groups - one of the best methods for discipleship and soul winning
D Teach and live out 28 Fundamental Beliefs as gifts from God for a better life for humanity, not just a list that needs to be checked prior to baptism
E Helping our members to see the importance of prayer, praise, Bible study, and a lifestyle of witnessing
F Develop vocational witness competencies whereby our members share the gospel effectively within their workplace and spheres of influence (relational evangelism)
Facilitators: I. Prayer Time II. Presentations |
Jose Cortes Jr. and Ivan Williams Sr. Donna Jackson Tom Evans Kymone Hinds Patty Crouch Matt Stockdale Q & A with Mike Cauley, Walter Castro, Jose Cortes Sr., Tim Nichols |
Discuss and provide input for Outcome #4:
Multiplication of community-based church planting
(78% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
Conversation Starters:
A Re-start church planting movement again (6 percent per year, Goal: one church per 25,000 population in NAD)
B Emphasis on community church plants, with a DNA of grace and service (not transplanting of members and churches which can be harmful to the growth process)
C Multi-site model
D Adopt Volunteer Lay Pastor model (to plant churches or to pastor smaller churches, freeing up professional pastors to plant churches)
E Equip pastors in church planting prior to ordination
F Include and strengthen church planting in the curriculums of religion departments and the seminary (NADEI)
G Appoint a church planting director/coordinator at the Conference/Union to support church planting in North America?
Facilitators: I. Prayer Time II. Presentations |
Jose Cortes Jr. and Ivan Williams Sr. Ken Denslow & Brenda Billingy Dustin Hall Harold Altamirano Myron Edmonds |
Discuss & provide Input for Outcome #5:
Participation of EVERY pastor and able lay leader utilizing diverse forms of proclamation evangelism at least once a year
(77% scored it 7 or higher in 1 to 10 scale)
Conversation Starters:
A Give freedom to pastors to utilize different and creative proclamation methods
B Incarnational lifestyle must be embedded and become a “must” prior, during, and after proclamation efforts
C Use funding to reach the community through addressing felt needs
D Utilize Sundays as special days for evangelism (where applicable)
E Use homes, gyms, and community service centers for proclamation evangelism
F Short events after long-term and continued community outreach (to help people make decisions and encourage church members)
G Use of known Christian musicians who may attract the people we are seeking to reach during proclamation efforts
IV. Closing Challenge Dan Jackson