Tuesday, March 21 1:30 PM Eastern Time
Social Media Guidelines. Questions are addressed like, What should our ministerial or pastoral etiquette be on social media? What is the appropriate posture for pastors on social media? What guidelines should pastors use when on social media? What is Christian etiquette online?
Jamie Schneider, Digital Strategist for the NAD, previously Digital Marketing Specialist for the Smithsonian Associates will address these issues and so much more on the webinar.
Social media PowerPoint handout from the webinar - Social Media Protection
The Updated Feedback Loop. We address this tool as a template of pastor development for leadership excellence. It has been developed to help you have an assessment tool for the local church, pastoral leadership, performance excellence, and pastoral growth.
Nowhere is feedback needed more than among church leaders. A system-wide
feedback loop that helps Church leaders grow and develop is long overdue based upon survey results of both church administrators and pastors. Effective church leaders are anxious to discover ways that they can better advance the gospel.
This Feedback Loop is the result of years of collaboration between church pastors, conference administrators, colleges and seminaries, local church lay leaders, and the North American Division Office. The Loop is based upon the following concepts:
1. Simplicity and ease of use
2. Mutual trust and genuine transparency
3. Everyone’s need for feedback and continuous development
4. Accurate feedback based upon unbiased information
5. Collaboration rather than duplication of effort by the NAD’s 58 Conferences