2020 Calendar
•January 13-16 MAPM Development of SDA Theology - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
• January 19-23 MAPM Archaeology and the Bible - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
•February 2-6 MAPM Galatians - Oklahoma City, OK
•February 9-13 MAPM Marriage, Fam. & Inter Rel - Apopka, FL
•February 9-13 MAPM Church Growth - Oklahoma City, OK
•February 16-20 MAPM Great Controversy, Covenant, Law, Sabbath - Apopka, FL
•February 23 NAD Evangelism Advisory - Lexington, KY
•February 23-27 MAPM Archaeology and the Bible - NPUC Office, WA
•February 23-27 MAPM Ministry to Youth & YA - SECC Office, CA
•February 24-26 ehuddle (NAD Evangelism Visioning and Leadership Team) - Lexington, KY
•March 1-5 MAPM Survey of Church History - NNEC, ME
•March 1-5 MAPM Theology of the NT - NAD HQ, Columbia, MD
•March 1-5 MAPM Christian Leadership - Union College, NE
•March 1-5 MAPM Seminar in Preaching - SECC, CA
•March 2-5 MAPM Development of SDA Theology - NPUC Office, WA
•March 5-8 NAD Church Planters BootCamp East – Camp Kalaqua, FL
•March 8-12 MAPM Studies in the Pentateuch - NNEC, ME
•March 8-12 MAPM Mission in Cult. & Rel. Context - NAD HQ, MD
•March 8-12 MAPM Doctrine of the Sanctuary - Union College, NE
•March 8-12 MAPM Roman Catholic Life and Thought - Burman U, Alberta
•March 15-19 MAPM Studies in Pentateuch - Burman U, Alberta
•March 29 Ministry Opportunity Day Women Clergy Banquet - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
•March 30 Ministry Opportunity Day Conference Interviews - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
•March 31 Ministry Opportunity Day Conference Interviews - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
•April 1 Ministerial Director Advisory - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
•April 18-19 Day of Hope & Compassion
•May 18-20 NAD Pastoral Development Curriculum Collaboration
•May 17-21 MAPM Doctrine of the Sanctuary - Andrews U
•May 24-28 MAPM Seminary in Preaching - Andrews U
•May 24-28 MAPM Foundations of Biblical Spirituality - Andrews U
•May 31 – June 4 MAPM Worship: Word and Music - Andrews U
•June 19 CALLED Convention Ministerial Director & Pastor Advisory - Rupp Arena, Lexington, KY
•June 20 CALLED Convention Ministerial Director Sabbath Worship - Rupp Arena, Lexington, KY
•June 25-July 4 General Conference Session - Indianapolis, IND
•September 14 NAD Evangelism Advisory
•September 15-17 NAD Church Planters Advisory
•October 28 NAD BMTE
•October 29 - Nov 3 NAD Year End Meetings
•Noviembre 2 & 4 EC3
•November 6-7 NAD Volunteer Lay Pastors BootCamp
•November 9-10 Kettering Mental Health and Faith Community Conference
•November 13-14 End It Now Summit on Abuse
•November 10 NAD Ministerial Director Advisory
•November 12-15 NAD Church Planters BootCamp West
•November 19-21 NAD Pastoral Development Deans and Chairs Meetings
•November 20 Adventist Scholars Worship
•December 6-8 Pastoral Leadership Evangelism Council (PELC)
•December 8 NAD Ministerial Director Advisory