A Visit To... Videos
In 2012 the Bolingbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church had fifty to sixty people attending on a regular basis. When Jose Saint-Phard signed on to be the pastor, the church struggled without a clear unified vision. The church was change resistant.
Clifford Keith, who has completed his career in the military, is starting a second career as a pastor. Keith reveals that he just graduated from seminary and would like to know as much about practical ministry as possible as he launches his pastoral career. He has accepted the invitation to spend a few days at Puyallup church and Northwest Christian School, to learn as much as he can about how churches can partner with schools in mission.
Ramone Griffith, Associate Pastor, Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, is looking for more tools and resources to implement in his ministry at The Hill. He has heard about the North American Division but is not really sure what they actually do. However, he is curious to see if they might have some resources for him. He takes a chance and drives up to the NAD office and is given a tour by Esther Knott, Associate Director of NAD Ministerial. Fortunately, he choses a day when most of the NAD team have returned from their ministry around the division and are in the office for team meetings. In a few hours he is able to meet many of the departmental leaders for the NAD and gets introduced to a sampling of the comprehensive resources that the NAD offers for congregations. As he returns to Washington DC he reflects on all of the dozens of valuable resources produced by the NAD and wishes that his colleagues in ministry knew more about them.