The fourth quarter issue of CALLED digital magazine for pastors highlights professional development resources for Adventist pastors in the North American Division. CALLED 4Q15, is a portal through which pastors can enter the world of professional development.
Most of the presentations from the Pastors General Session of the Austin CALLED convention are accessible directly from the magazine. So if you want to watch Henry Wright, Alejandro Bullon, C. Wesley Knight, Elizabeth Talbot, or some of the other presenters all you need to do is download 4Q15 for your smart device.
You say you didn’t get a chance to attend all 200 seminars at the CALLED convention? Great news. Many of the seminars were also recorded and can be viewed directly from CALLED 4Q15. Watch George Knight, Mark Finley, Ella Simmons, and Paul Brantley and dozens more as they unpack their wisdom in full-length seminars.
4Q15 will also guide you into setting up your pastoral certification account, which helps you keep track of your continuing education credits. In fact you can actually get credit directly from within 4Q15 as many of the presentations at CALLED convention have been turned into courses that you can take without leaving the magazine. Enjoy full courses on preaching, apologetics, evangelism, law, administration, mental health, leadership, and origins.
As the world of smart devices has grown, so has our offering of formats for the CALLED magazine. It is our effort to support all of the major smart phones and tablet devices. Click this link to subscribe on an Apple powered device, or this link for a Google Play device, or click here to download the pdf version for your computer.