Jesus says that we are the salt of the earth. 4Q CALLED features churches that have found ways to mix it up with their communities. Watch seminarian Geoff Crowley experience a weekend with Glenville as they pass the baton on from the old guard to the next generation. Listen to MyRon Edmonds share his infectious leadership with his team.
Track other churches across the division as each finds a way to blur the lines between church and community. Learn from churches that have partnered together to form a large community service presence; something that none could have done on their own.
Listen to Kumar Dixit as he shares his own personal journey as a pastor in intentionally building relationships with community leaders. Read what Ellen White had to say about moving into the city in order to share the gospel.
Use the six part seminar included in this issue of CALLED to teach your congregation about understanding your community. All of this and much more in 4Q CALLED which is released today.
CALLED is best viewed on the iPad format and the courtesy app entitled 'NAD Ministerial' is available for download from the App store. Click this link to subscribe on an Apple powered device, or this link for a Google Play device.
A pdf version of CALLED is available for those who don't have tablets. NOTE: This interactive pdf is only interactive if you download it and open it in Acrobat. Right-click and "Save As" to download.