3rd quarter 2013 CALLED, a digital magazine for Adventist clergy in North America is now available for download from the NAD Ministerial app.
One of the biggest surprises that new pastors discover about ministry is that much of pastoral work is essentially running a business. You can run it well or run it poorly but you can't escape this responsibility. This quarter focuses on the business of church; leading volunteers, school boards, adapting to different church sizes, when to build, risk control, leadership, innovation and other management essentials.
CALLED subscribers are invited to journey to Paradise Valley Church, a fading institutional church that found new life in assimilating refugees into the kingdom of God.
CALLED is best viewed on the iPad format and the courtesy app entitled 'NAD Ministerial' is available for download from the App store. Click this link to subscribe on an Apple powered device, or this link for a Google Play device.
A pdf version of CALLED is available for those who don't have tablets. NOTE: This interactive pdf is only interactive if you download it and open it in Acrobat. Right-click and "Save As" to download.