What happens when a church resolves to meet the needs of the local community with no strings attached? For decades Church of the Valley has refined the Acts of Kindness ministry and renovates houses, gives cars away, provides breakfast everyday for a local public school, all with no strings attached. You can travel with them in their journey in this quarter’s CALLED digital magazine for pastors available for download now.
Pastor John Masigan invites you to spend a weekend with him at Church of the Valley via documentary video. John sees firsthand what it is like to provide a breakfast club for a local public school. Next, John joins dozens of volunteers for Extreme Home Repair on demolition day as they fill a giant dumpster. Sunday morning finds John driving down the road in the rain headed for the surprise car giveaway.

During the weekend John is able to sit down first with David Jamieson and thenMichael Dauncey to talk about what it is like to lead a church that focuses on meeting the needs of the community with no strings attached.  They answer questions such as ‘How do you find enough volunteers?’ ‘How do you create a compelling vision for compassion?’ and ‘How do you build a state of the art community center?’

Pastoral leadership is the theme of 2Q16 CALLED magazine edited by Dr. Stan Patterson. Stan has assembled a collection of articles on leadership including:

  • Terminal Authority--Stanley E. Patterson

  • Preaching is Leadership--Hyveth Williams

  • The Uzzah Effect--Skip Bell

  • Called … but Why?--Samuel Indreiu

  • The Intensity Comes Home--Monte Robison

  • The Suffering Leader--John Grys

  • A Cure for the “Where’d It Go?”--Shane Anderson

CALLED is downloadable at no charge for most digital devices including tablets, smartphones, and computers. Optimal performance is found on the tablet.
Click here for an Apple app.
Click here for a Google Play app.
Click here to download an interactive pdf for your computer.

Free Car, no strings attached - CALLED 2Q16 Now Available